Flame Hawk


Active Member
Who has a Flame Hawk and what can you tell me about them.
I was watching one at a lfs here the other day, and liked it.
I loved the color, and it seemed very active.
I've not researched these fish yet - and thought I would start here with you guys.
Anything you hawk fish owners could share with me would be appreciated.
Feeding ?
Keeping more than one in same tank ?
Resistance to disease ?


Well i have a spotted hawk and they are very similar. Hawks will eat shrimp and crabs. They eat pretty much any food. They are extremely hardy. Even though they grow to a fair size they do not require much swimming room because they spend most of their time perching. Mine has never had any kind of disease.


broomer5 don't know about that fish,but just thought i let you know i did receive the parts for my sl-15 free of charge it's been up and running for few days now its great. thanks again for your help and directions you posted me i was able put together a list of eveything i was missing from your directions.thanks :)


Active Member
You're welcome tiffbritty
Glad to hear it's working so well for you now !!
Getting free replacement parts from a manufacturer - ya gotta love THAT !


i have a flame hawk that is medium to large sized. He is a very cool fish.. However you need to be careful with anything smaller than the flame hawk and if you have any small the shrimp they too will be gone. I have a cleaner shrimp that is very large and the hawk hasnt eaten him but the shrimp hides at all times and never comes out now since I added the flame.


I just got one the other day. Man what personality these guys have.IMO, get one!! The day I put him in the tank he started eating right away. Went for brine, mysis, plankton and even flake. i don't think they are picky. Most def. the best addition so far.


I have had a flame hawk in my 75 gal. for a couple of months and have had no problems with him bothering any inverts, or anything else for that matter.