flame hawk


New Member
My lfs finally got a flame hawkfish in for me. She held him for me and I went ahead and bought him. I was afraid he might be too big for my other fish though. All my fish are small and he is medium to large in size. The other day I woke to find my new clownfish dead. <img src="graemlins//dead.gif" border="0" alt="[dead]" /> My other fish: a blue damsel, a black cap basslet, and a green chromis have been in hiding ever since. The green chromis still swims along the top alot, though not as much, and the other two fish come out to eat for a few minutes. But when I start feeding them or when I look in on them they are all hiding. I like the hawkfish, he is pretty and very active, but I want to see ALL my fish, not just him. I guess I will give him back and use the credit to get another clown and a bubble anenome. (My other clown never went into the rock and I didn't get a chance to buy him an anemone.) :(
Any suggestions or is that the best thing to do?