Flame Hawk


Active Member
My Flame Hawk has this clear see through parasite looking thing on his side and it moves too when I look at it. Anyone know what it is?


Active Member
I don't have one yet but I have a small trigger I'm afraid it will attack it. Will it still be okay since thats probably the only fish that I know might eat the shrimp.

noah's nemo

How long has the trigger been in there?How big is he?It hit or miss,but eventually the shrimp will be lunch.He may live long enough to clear up your hawk though.


Active Member
I just did a fresh water dip and it came off. He looks find now hopefully it didn't shock him too much.


Active Member
I bought that fish and just got it yesterday and I just notice it today so as soon as saw it I just need to react to it. I didn't take a pic of it because my camera isn't that good but it does look like a bug it could have been that bug that was shown on this threat. Well at least they came off of the fish hopefully there isn't any more type of parasite as I'm still QT the fish. Has anyone use this medication call Acriflavine Neutral would it be good to use for QT or only when they have some type of disease? Would it also be harmful to the fish with this medication.
Originally Posted by LKGRenegade22
So the bug was already in your tank then? Or did you buy the fish and notice it when you got home?
Don't use any medicines unless why you know why you are using them, and are using them for a specific purpose. If anything just supplement their feedings with vitamins and such.


If it came off in fresh water then it was likely just a parasitic worm. No big deal. Keep him in QT for a few weeks to be sure that it is fine.


Active Member
sounds like a fluke... its a whitish wormy looking thing.. kinda like a leach... sometimes they hide in the gills so not easily seen right away.. fw dip was a good idea