flame hawkfish


i really like these and went to the lfs today to pick one up after reading about it and the "guy" there told me that he would eat all of my inverts(hermits crabs shrimp) but i did not read anything about that.
can anyone with experience with one of these chime in and let me know how he does with the rest of the tank
also in my 55g tank:
clarkii clown
yellow tang
porcelin crab
few emerald crabs
sally lightfoot
coral banded shrimp
bunch of red leg hermits and blue leg hermits


I have one with a tomato clown and sailfin tang, no problems. I also have small hermits and snails, no problem! The flame hawkfish really has a personality, fun to watch, it practicly eats out of my hand! good luck!


Active Member
I have not have a problems with mine eating any hermits or shrimp, but my snails have disappeared. But I also have a very large emarald crab who could be the culprit since they started disappearing before I got the hawk.


Active Member
I have kept mine now for 6 years and never has it bothered my snails or cleaner or pistol shrimps or anything that I cared about in my reef. I dont keep crabs. I hate crabs.


Active Member
There is a risk that YES it may eat your shrimp/hermits (ornamental crustaceans as they say), it is part of the natural diet and you can never completely eliminate the risk of it (even if others have not experienced it). :(