i have a book that says min. tank size for a flame angel is a 20...hth, i have one in a 90 and i don't see that he swims so fast that he would need a huge tank
I have a 46gal with a yellow tang and two yellow tail damsels. You think I could add a Flame to the tank? If the damsels are a problem, they might be comming out soon anyway. Do flame's get along well with groups other of tangs, I was thinking of adding a Kole tang and possibly a Schol to the tank also.
dhughesz28, First of all that tank is too small for the tang. I hope you are planning on moving it to at least a 60gal. The flame would be okay in your tank though because it is a dwarf.
DrummerBum, the gobies would be okay, a little too small for a flame tho. Id say at least 40gal for all of those.
I have a 29 g and I wanted a flame angel but decided against it. I think they are to big for the tank. I went with a cherub angel instead. I love them!