flame scallop question


I have a flame scallop and recently he is acting strange. One of my anemones moved right next to him. As you can guess the anemones tenticles were touching the flame's tenticles and causing the flame to retract his sometimes. I thought after a few days, he might decide to move or the anemone would move. But neither has budged.
Now the flame keeps his mouth shut most of the time, so I am worried that he is not getting enough food, since he is a filter feeder.
Any suggestions on what to do????


I would try to move the flame to a part in the tank where there is a little cave in the lr or somthing because flame scallops will useually find a place that is dark and where it feels hid, and the anemone IMO is not good touching the scallop. Plus the scallop will be a lot easier to move then the anemone.


Maybe you should sell it to your LFS
Stay Cute:jumping:
:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :help:


That was my first thought too, moving the flame scallop. But can you damage the scallops foot by moving them?
I have tried twice to move him and he doesn't seem to want to let go of the rock he is attached to. Any suggestions?


You should prolly go ahead and move him and just be really gentle when detaching him from the rock. Because hes gonna need to be moved away from the anemone no matter what.


Well, I tried to move him last night and it was somewhat successful. I did not try to detach him from the rock. I just rearranged some rock work and moved his rock. A couple of hours later I did notice that he had detached himself from the rock, but looks like he left some fiber looking things on the rock, maybe part of his foot?
He seems to be doing ok today. He has not opened up that much but I will continue to watch him.
Thanks for suggestions


New Member
The flame scallops sort of "weave" those fibers to keep themselves in place. It's not part of the scallop at all so don't worry about it. Try spot feeding and see how it does.