flame scallop


Quick question everyone- I ordered the market invert package and it comes with a flame scallop. Im having a heck of a time in my books tryiing to figure out the best place to place him. Should i set him on the sand or a rock? Or just place him on my sand bed and let him pick? Also I know he needs good current, but how close to powerheads should he be? Thanx again everyone!! :D
paulytee(kinda sad today because i lost one of my yellow sleeper gobys and his partner is searching every rock looking sad, looking for him... :( )


Don't worry about it too much. Wherever you put him, he will move to where he wants to be. I have tried a number of times to keep mine within sight and it always moves. :rolleyes:


Active Member
I've heard that they are almost impossible to keep for long periods of time. Has anyone had one live for over a year? I've thought about getting one but if they are that difficult, I think I'll pass rather than watch it slowly starve.