Flame Scallop

obx fish

We just got a flame scallop today...it's really neat! Does anyone know what they eat? Also got a sebae anenome...when feeding it we put some brine shrimp in a baster and squirted it right to it's "mouth." Is that the correct way to do that?
We got a false perc too...it was love at first sight :) Do they or do they not "feed" their anemone? Any info would be great! Thanks!!


I just purchased a flame scallop about a month ago. What I have been told to do is to feed it filter feeder food by using the baster and squirt it into the flame. He seems to be doing fine. He hid in the LR for a couple of weeks, then moved around the tank for a while. Now I think he has found his spot and has been there for a week or so.


You bought a animal and didn't know what it ate? kinda irresponsible. Filter foods are all right for scallop. for the anenome, i hope ur not actually sticking it IN his mouth. u might rupture him. Best way would be to turn off ur power heads and when the water settles, sguirt them over his tentacles. they'll stick to his tentacles and he'll move them to his mouth. u could also put small pieces of shrimp or fish on his tentacles. I had a large sebea that ate a 1/2" cube of shrimp every couple days. just my .02
Hmm...thats strange i never heard of feeding the food directly into or at the scallop. ive had mine for about 3 months now and all i do is put a few drops of "Coral Life Invertebrate Smorgasbord" and he is doing fine. is this ok??