Flame Tail Blenny


Active Member
Any one else have one. I went to the lfs today to get a clown gobie, and endd up with the flame. He looks like a bi-color but is Jet Black, and Yellow. When the worker went to find it for me, we had to look in several tanks, found it, the guy went to get a bag, and by the time he got back, we could not find it again. We finally found it hiding in the black veggie clip. The guy tried to get the fish to come out, and finally had to give me the clip too.


Active Member
Sounds cool..I love blennies!
I have three different kinds{lawnmower,bi-color, and sandhopper}.I will have to look that one up.


Active Member
The one in that pic looks a little stressed..I believe it could be the same.The name is Ecsenius lividanalis~black and yellow blenny.


they are cool fish! they had one in a display tank down here for a while...but they would never sell it to me nor get anymore in...finally switched LFS and he gets them in once in a while...but I have a Midas Bleeny now and dont wanna risk a fight....AWESOME fish though! very cool to watch...looks more like an eel then anything!