Flame w/a pygmy angel


I posted this on another forum and am trying to get input here as well. I have an established flame angel in a 75 gl tank. Any chance I could bring in a pygmy angel? They are beautiful and I want to add a fish that is outside the red/orange color range. My thought is to add more live rock to create new hiding spots for the pygmy. From what I have seen posted, the flame may chase the pygmy for a short time, but then settle down. Does anyone have experiance with this?
i dont think i would chance two angels in one tank. you can try but that is your decision. what will happen is solely based on the individual fishes...........to be blunt, no


well thats funny... my tank/s arent THAT big enough and mine do just fine... coral beauty would chase the eibli away sometimes when it got in the rock.. for the first week or so.. nothing big just chasing.. then it doesnt even bother anymore ... they always eat together..
they were in my 75 without any problems at all.. now theyre in my 20 gallon QT due to an ich outbreak in the 75 ..(due to some coral i added without quarantining it!!!).. theyve been there for 4 weeks now with no problems what so ever.