Flame Wrasse in overflow...


So just got back from my honeymoon yesterday and all fish were accounted for and everything is good except I couldnt find my Flame Wrasse. This morning I grabbed a mirror and can see him swimming around in my built in overflow. The overflow is pretty lit up because the light shines through from the refugium below so I can see that he is swimming and picking at things fine. I am sure he has just been eating all the pods in there.
Everything is automated as far as auto top off so didnt really have much to worry about and just had my father in law over for feeding 3 times while we were gone, but never expected to find a fish in there.
I am searching through other forums, but cannot really find too much info. Does anyone have an idea on how to get him out of there short of taking out the pvc pipes and risk flooding the refugium?


Active Member
when a problem a riseies. cainsaw.

I pic would help to see what you are dealing with. As a case, if something got into my overflow, the only way to get it out would to take the whole thing out.
Picture please.


I don't have any pictures of my new tank yet, but here are the pictures of the basic overflow and how mine looks. Is is the All-Glass 65 gallon with built in overflow.



Active Member
Only shutting it off, and trying to use filter floss to fill it up until the fish is near the top and you can grab it somehow. Which is a crazy idea but you don't have room to move. Othewise, dang.


Active Member
You really don't have much choice other than trying to flush him out by pulling your durso or standpipe out and grab him when he enters your sump. I have to say that it hasn't worked for us, because we have 2 Midas Blennies in the right hand overflow in our 150g reef. They've been there since early fall 08 and doing just fine :) One day I hope to have them in the main tank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by SpiderWoman
You really don't have much choice other than trying to flush him out by pulling your durso or standpipe out and grab him when he enters your sump. I have to say that it hasn't worked for us, because we have 2 Midas Blennies in the right hand overflow in our 150g reef. They've been there since early fall 08 and doing just fine :) One day I hope to have them in the main tank.


we had a clown in the overflow once, pulled the durso and all was good. remember that you only have a couple of gallons in the overflow that will go into the refugium and youll be okay (the holes in the side of the overflow dont go thru the second overflow front so the only water that will drain will be the water in the overflow)
I had the same problem once with a lawnmower bleenie. I took a small wire fish net and bent it so the opening looked like a oval so i could get it in there and trapped him against the side in it and pulled him out.
Hope this helps.


Well, I finally got him out of there and have him now in the main display. I took SpiderWoman and sbaumann14's advise and pulled the pipe. I waited until yesterday when it was time for a water change though to make sure that I would have enough room in my refugium for the extra water. He didnt go down the pipe though into the sump though. He was just laying on the bottom so I had to quick jump on a chair and reach down and grab him. I think he misses it in there though because he will not come out from behind a rock now...oh well, I guess he did the same thing when he was first introduced to the tank...


I syphon all my water from the overflow into a bucket, remove the pipe slowly, cause the way mine is set up, he CAN'T go down the tube. Then pick him up from the bottom like you did.
When he's out, put it all back together and put the water back into the tank.


He is good now...swimming around...a little confused though...the other fish are looking at him like "where the hell have you been?"