

I just replaced my flamehawk that died a few weeks past. I am so happy. I just wanted to share my joy.
Hey Shel,
I am so sorry to hear of your loss. I am glad that you got a replacement! Enjoy! I love my flamehawk. He has such a wonderful personality and always wants to be center of attention. He used to sit on rocks with his best buddy (our Scooter blennie) but the blennie died about a month and a half ago. It was sad because he kept going around the tank like he was searching for his friend. Anyways, Congrats on the new fish! :)


Active Member
Good luck with this great fish. It's antics are very entertaining and his wondering eyes never cease to amaze.
Sorry about the loss of your old flame and wish you the best with the new!!


I was thinking of getting a flamehawk at a local lfs, but I noticed a dead fish in the tank which discourage me from buying. I do want to get one soon though. They are really cool looking.
How did the other one died?


Last nite I was changing the batteries on the Dig. temp reader. I was sitting on the floor and I look up and there was the flame hawk watching, he is so damn cute.
Clownman, I accidently contaminated (SP) mt tank, I lost my Ocean Surgeon, 2 chomis and theFlame hawk fish. I bought a peice of shrimp from the grocery store. Everyone that ate it died whithen 24 hours. It was so sad. NEVER buy fresh seafood from the grocery store. Hope this helps someone.