Flash Gordon Wrasse


Ive seen several wrasse swim fast and scratch the sand. Is there a reason for it? My wrasse is like flash gordon,he swims so fast back and forth, he never stays still,always hungry,dashes into the sand.
he is like a crazy wrasse.


How Often Do You Feed Him And What? Mine Always Seem Likes Hes Never Satisfy I Dont Want To Over Or Under Feed.

florida joe

Well-Known Member
I did a little research my wrasse was doing the same thing but he developed white spots so I am treating for ick BUT I did learn that they will scratch to try up turn up some food from the bottom


Active Member
i feed one main meal a day, usually frozen food, but a few times a day i will oss a couple of pellets in, my wrasse and tusk usually will grab them before anyone else can get them, they need a few small meals a day probably because they are in constant motion. As far as seeing white spots, look very close, because they also like to bury themselves in the sand, and occasonally get a few grains stuck to them, it really can look like ick at a glance.