Flat worms in my 10 gallon..Help!


Ok i got flatworms in my 10 gallon...i've read all the posts about getting rid of them by using Flatworm Exit and syphoning them out. Is there anything else i should worry about since the tank is only 10 gallons?


list of tank mates aer 4 snails 4 hermit crabs i think there red legged and a watchman gobie... also i got a hitchhiker called....Stomatella varia that's it other than a few mushrooms and a green centered carpet which are healthy as can be....my zoa's which have the worms on them are doing horrible and it all happened within 2 or 3 days...


a yellow coris wrasse will clean em up for u, they arent that big maybe 3 inches so if u wanted u could keep em in the tank however i think that then you would be maxed out on fish.


You should be able to use flatworm exit with no problem, just use plenty of carbon and do a water change after using it. That advice also depends just how bad your population of flatworms is, if it is heavy then they could release enough toxins to kill something. I've only heard of the medicine causing problems with some starfish and urchins.


heres kind of a bizzare tip...i have a 12 gal nano cube dlx and when i first added my LR i found 2 or 3 flatworms. i tried everything to get em out without adding a wrasse. i found that if i moved my magnet algae cleaner to the substrate or down low next to the rocks the worms would tuck themselves inbetween the magnets bristles. i would check in the middle of the night of when i woke up in the morning. if i had 1 or two in the magnet i would go brush them out into the trash can. got rid of all of them!...maybe i got lucky but it seemed to work. good luck


oh ya dont over feed your fish...flatworms thrive in nutrient rich water and in 12 gal it can turn into an epidemic. hope i could help