flat worms


I have a big problem with these little buggers, I did try the salafert prod it worked for around a week and back again, I then added 5 more drops than the first time, all gone no more right ( i think i have a super strain) when I see them on the glass or bottem I try to siphon them up still got them any ways. any ideas ?????? I did try a 6 line wrasse, green mandarinfish.


I had that problem a year ago. The sixline or the mandarin will not touch them. The only thing I found that would eat them and is very hard to come by during the winter is a blue velvet nudi. These things are a pain in the A$$, they will always get stuck in your power head and overflows, its like watching a 2 year old seriously! I tried taking out rock and dipping them. I am in the military and finaly got orders so I had to break the tank down. It was starting to get out of control though.
Good luck!


ive been fighting w/ flat worms as well about 4 months ago i have no fish just a few corals so i tryed the flat worm exit waited a week and they were still there so second time i just dumped half the bottle in a left it in there for about an hour if not more!! did a 40% water change and havent seen any till last week !
so i siphoned what i could but i just cant win w/ these thing! my next step is to pull each rock out and dip in a 5 gallon bucket w/ the entire bottle in it and suck up the first layer of sand while all my fish are in a qt tank! ugh i hate them!