Flatworms in my Nano!


I have a red flatworm outbreak in my 10 gal nano. I have read Sailfert flatworm exit is the best to use but need to run carbon right after for the toxins they release when they die off. My concern is that it being such a small system, it will hurt or kill all of my corals. Does the carbon take care of that toxin problem? Has anyone else had this problem in a nano? Any help would be greatly appreciated! :help:


Active Member
You have reason to be conserned... it may be best to use the Flatworm Exit as a dip instead of putting it in your tank. This would do nothing for flatworms if they are on the sand so you may need to treat the tank but you could get the vast majority that way.
Thinking a little more about it... after dipping the rock... some flatworm exit would most likely make its way back in the tank which should take care of any left in the tank... so I would make sure you have carbon and fresh saltwater on hand and act as if you did treat the tank itself.


Thanks reefnut. They are a few on the sand but not many. The majority are on 2 pieces of LR and some are on my mushrooms rock and yellow polyps. If I use it very sparingly and run carbon, you think my shrooms and YP's should be ok? If I get the ones off the LR without any livestock on them, they are not that many left. Also, I only have a Prizm skimmer on the back. Should I use another small HO filter to run the carbon? What would be the best way to go about that?


Active Member
You will need something better than a prism skimmer IMO... another HOB filter setup for running carbon or a canister filter.


I used it, killed four sea horses in the process. The chemical is safe but like the box says don't underestimate the amount of worms in your tank. Better to dose when you first see them than let them multiply. There was so many worms in my tank they started dying off and left a yellow cloud along the bottom of the tank. The corals all survived and so did a dottyback. Be careful anddoa water change.


Sorry to hear that NY. Did you run carbon, or a poly filter, just do the water change? I think I've caught em fairly early but I want to make sure I do everything I can to elimiate the toxins as soon as possible. The guy at my lfs actually said it was iodine that they release in large doses.