

I can't seem to get rid of these, I am using salifert flatworm exit - per the drictions, no where does it tell how often to repeat . I get a pretty good kill rate, but 4-5 days lateter I start seeing them again, is it wise to repeat every few days and hopefuly stop all the stages - eggs-free floting ex
thanks Bob


Active Member
try wet skimming aggressively and cut back on feeding as well. you have to get your nutrients down or they'll just keep coming back.


Active Member
my sixline didnt touch them. i got rid of them completley by just bringing my nutrients down.


6- line had abunch of them about a month ago got a sixline and within 2 weeks all gone..did the job for me most wrasses will do the job!!


Active Member
I have a 6-line and he is big and fat. He eats those things like crazy but I had so many that he could not get them in check. I did cut down on feeding to every 3 days but still was not enough. SO I picked up a large leopard wrasse.
I used to see large groups but now I am seeing less and less of them. He is taking care of business and looks very cool. Wish he was out more.
Give this a try.