Flexible hose or PVC??


Active Member
What is better to use to plumb a tank?? Flexible hose or PVC?? And why is one better than the other??


I don't know that one is necessarily better than another. I really think it depends on your application. I went with flexible on my 65 because I am so limited on space inside my stand. It would have been very difficult to configure PVC with space so tight. I was able to include shut off valves on both lines, and I can snake it around my sump as needed. Personally, I am happy with flexible tubing, but it will depend on what your needs are.


Active Member
Well space isn't an issue. I am going to be plumbing a 180 with dual overflow into an Oceanic Model 3 sump.


In that case, I would imagine most would say PVC. The flexible worked for me, but it's a much smaller tank, and frankly, I have no idea what I'm doing when it comes to PVC. I imagine others will chime in with more insight for you.


Active Member
Originally Posted by AlohaMI
In that case, I would imagine most would say PVC. The flexible worked for me, but it's a much smaller tank, and frankly, I have no idea what I'm doing when it comes to PVC. I imagine others will chime in with more insight for you.
Thanks for being honest!!!

al mc

Active Member
In theory, flex pvc should be better than hard pvc if you have to use any 45 or 90 degree elbows if using hard pvc as you will have more head pressure than you would with the gradual bend that the water traverses with flexible material. I have used both. I like the flex better but it is much more expensive per foot.


PVC is definitely better than flex tubing from a flow standpoint. The barbed fittings you have to use with the flex tubing really kill your flow.
if using PVC keep in mind that every 90 bend is equal to one foot of head pressure. When I recently re plumbed my 180 I used two 45's to make my 90 bends and flex PVC where I could. Little things can make a huge flow difference...
Here's some pictures... looks a little messy but by going with function over form I was able to knock off 12 feet of flex PVC versus plumbing it so it all looks nice.



I agree with you about the gradual curves reducing head preasure. If you find the right type of flex pvc you can glue it into regular rigid pvc fittings; couplings, 45's etc. Talk to someone at your plumbing supply house and they should be able to point you in the right direction. I use flex pvc with rigid fittings when I plumb in ponds and have not had a problem, just make sure you prime it and let the glue set up before you move it around a lot. good luck


Active Member
run a flow calculator i belive 2 45s lower flow more than one 90 surprisingly, but either way flex fittings reduce the diameter while hard piping it doesnt(except unions and ball valves)