Float Switch from AFM


Active Member
I just got in a power head float control switch from AFM. I hooked it up to a light to do some testing and the switch sticks on the ON position. A good flick and it will go off. Anyone else have these switches?


Active Member
Ok, I'm getting really tired of admitting this but once again... I'm an idiot. :rolleyes:
The Maximum Switching Rate is 20W. The light I was using to test it was 150w. Max 20 @ 150w = no worky
Working great now :D


Active Member
So if I'm understanding you... I keep the float switch and power head but run the water through a valve so the flow is reduced just enough the maintain the water level. Right?


Active Member
I have a float valve that I got with my RO/DI unit. The float valve stops the flow of water instead of turning the pump on & off. Would that be a better option?


Active Member
Ok, the water is now at a drip. It will out run the evaporation if the float switch fails but not by much.
Thanks for the heads up... ;)