float valve


Would a float valve for a DO/DI holding tank that has stainless steel be safe or should I get all plastic?


all plastic is the way to go really, Stainless although it says stainless is suseptible to cloride stress corrosion cracking, whih requires saltwater to occur... guess whats in your tank! It also corrodes in SW. go for an all plastic if you can,.... i think FLOATSWITCHdotCOM is a good choice.


Active Member
NO way, don't use anything other then plastic. RODI water is much more corrosive then saltwater.


uh, actually purewater aka RO/DI is probably the least corrosive substance on earth. Its all the ions in the saltwater thats corrosive.


Originally Posted by golfish
NO way, don't use anything other then plastic. RODI water is much more corrosive then saltwater.
Where did you hear that??? It is completly the other way around.


I'm not sure if RO/DI water is more corrosive than saltware but I know from working in the lab that RO/DI "HPLC grade H20" has a radioactivity rating of 1. If I had a choice to drink tap or RO/DI water I would chose tap because RO/DI is void of any ions which if drank it use any means of getting ions even if it has to remove them from your body. So as far as corrosiveness I would say it whould crode that SS to get Ions.
Thats just my 2 cents


Active Member
Originally Posted by JasenHicks
uh, actually purewater aka RO/DI is probably the least corrosive substance on earth. Its all the ions in the saltwater thats corrosive.
Uh, where are you getting your info from..its the LACK of ionsminerals that make RO water so corrosive to metal.
Originally Posted by Powwer

I'm not sure if RO/DI water is more corrosive than saltware but I know from working in the lab that RO/DI "HPLC grade H20" has a radioactivity rating of 1. If I had a choice to drink tap or RO/DI water I would chose tap because RO/DI is void of any ions which if drank it use any means of getting ions even if it has to remove them from your body. So as far as corrosiveness I would say it whould crode that SS to get Ions.

I did QA for the largest soft drink company in the world..We run massive RO units...The above statement is why I posted. I've seen this stuff eat through stainless steel pipes, pit large tanks and pump housings..


Actually to get technical there is a lot of curves that involve this subject, and at certain pH levels stainless steel is more prone to bad corrosion at very low pH (0-8) bottoms out around 10 (least corrosion) and gets drastically worse at higher pH (>10). So as long as your pH is in what ever your liquid is, its bad. Throw in Cl-, Oxygen and it gets worse. As a naval nuke officer who has spent a lot of time training on this stuff, for cleanliness concerns in the reactor plant, i think im just as qualified to speak on the subject as you; i think our nuclear plant is held to just a bit higher standards than soda manufacturer.


Let's put this to a test everyone here tank 2 SS hose clamps 2 plastic containers fill one with rodi water the other with saltwater and put one clamp in each see which one rusts first. I'm betting the tank on the saltwater.


Active Member
For who ever..
I understand the idea that RO/DI is what is known as HUNGRY WATER. Like a sponge is wanting to absorb any minerals in to that it can.
My question is that we use the metal storage tanks that are often sold with these filters so are they made with specel liners or what keeps the tanks from leaking metal back into the water ????


Active Member
Originally Posted by JasenHicks
Actually to get technical there is a lot of curves that involve this subject, and at certain pH levels stainless steel is more prone to bad corrosion at very low pH (0-8) bottoms out around 10 (least corrosion) and gets drastically worse at higher pH (>10). So as long as your pH is in what ever your liquid is, its bad. Throw in Cl-, Oxygen and it gets worse. As a naval nuke officer who has spent a lot of time training on this stuff, for cleanliness concerns in the reactor plant, i think im just as qualified to speak on the subject as you; i think our nuclear plant is held to just a bit higher standards than soda manufacturer.

Long story short...RODI water is more corrosive on Stainless then SW..or, how bout I say IME, RODI water is more corrosive.