Florecent Bulbs



Gotta change 'em about every 3 months? My 38" Coral Life 50/50 is going on 5 months now. Going to replace it (expensive :( ).
LFS said that the inverts need the 50/50 blue? I was going to replace it with the 100% Super Daylight (what my other two lights are).
No corals: inverts = cleaner, pepperment, serpent star, hermits, snails and a queen conch.

cap'n pete

3 months is way too short unless you keep your bulbs on 24/7! I would say even 6 months is pushing it even if you burn 10 hrs. a day. IMO you should get a good 2500 hrs. of good light out of a standard flourescent.

cap'n pete

Also, if you don't have any corals or anenomes you don't need to worry about your lighting that much. Just have enough to keep the coraline algea on your LR healthy.