Florida Aquaculture Live Rock


I went and got my water tested today...off the roof phospate reading's. The LFS said this is the cause of my red aglae. Is this true? He sold me on some stuff called "phosguard."
Whats interesing is that my water tested great initialy with 25 lbs of figi rock. But then I added another 15lbs of Florida Aquaculture rock. And this is when everything got red.
I have been told that Florida Aquaculture rock is high in phospahate due to all the lyme rock in Florida. Is this true?
Thanks of the help!
[ September 14, 2001: Message edited by: teog ]


Well I bought some Florida aquaculture rock from a place in Tampa. It is the single most beautiful rock I've ever seen. Things growing EVERYwhere, cool animals were coming out of every hole. The problem is that the cycle is taking forever. My NITRITES have been off the charts for over a month now. I dont know about my phosphates, but the nitrites are out of control. hope i helped? :p


I have around 30 - 40 lbs. of Fla. rock in my 180. I have about 100 lbs of Fiji rock and 50 of dead coral for base rock. I have not had any problems with phosphates or nitrites. The Fla. rock has been in the tank for 3 weeks. I have always used phosguard in my tanks. I have had a 55 FO for years and the phosguard definetly helps to keep it under control. The Fla. rock is beautiful and has quite a few creatures and small coral growths all over it. I have several sponges, feather dusters, baby brains, sea squirts, and some kind of hard tube coral everywhere. The only problem is the rock anenomes. I had to freshwater dip mine, because the store had found some mantis shrimp on some pieces. Luckily I dipped it before putting it in the tank. Several crabs and starfish came out. I did keep the starfish, but tossed the rest. I would keep using the phosguard and do water changes until the phosphates come down and then use the phosguard as part of your regular maintence. The beads will turn light brown when they are used up, which is usually about one month. The phosguard will usually drop the ppm in half with each use. I would let the cycle and time take care of the other nitrite problem.