Florida Condi Anemone help


New Member
I have a 30 gallon tank that we have had up for like a week now and my husband added a anemone and it seemed to be doing well but now she keep laying on her side and gets what looks like she is pulling her self inside . Is this normal ? we have been feeding her cut up shrimp and Phyto plan Plankton too . :help:


New Member
it is a new tank we just went threw the first stage with the ammonia spiked and it is back down to between 0.2-0.4 right now. the nitrate are at 20,nitrite 0-.5, alkalinity is at around 250,ph is at 8.4. the light in the tank are the ones that came with the tank .


New Member
She is still eating when i feed her and she has moved to another rock. But i noticed in the bottom of the tank next to her is a small ball with a little spike on it .. it is white looking but it has what looks like a vein in it ... any idea of what this is .. did it have a baby ?


Active Member
Anemones reproduce by fission, in other words splitting more or less in half. What you are setting sounds too small to be a fissioned anemone.
Your tank is far too young for this anemone. Your ammonia is still reading above 0.0, which is hard enough for a FISH to survive let alone something as sensitive as an anemone. You should not have any livestock of any kind in the system yet, the water is still toxic. IMO, an anemone should not be introduced to a system until the system has been running for 6 months minimum, 1 year preferable.
Even if this anemone is not dying in the case you are listing, it's not going to last long in these conditions. I suppose IF it survives the cycle, it might make it, but if it dies, it's going to make a real mess, and I'd put it's odds of dying better than it's odds of living.