Florida Condi Anemone?????


How often will my Florida Condi Anemone split? Water Quality is good, I have 220 watts power compact on a 20gal.


Read an article on that as well. Here is an part of that:
The anemone Condylactis sp. reproduced asexually by longitudinal fission throughout the year, and even juveniles can conduct fission. The extensive recruitment from asexual
reproduction is likely one of the major factor resulting in population outbreak of this species in Nanwan Bay. Similar observations of forming dispersed clones by longitudinal fission have been reported in sea anemone Anthopleura elegantissima and Haliplanella luciae [3]. The oocytes of this species matured and spawned in April and May during the period of rising
sea tempteratures. The timing of reproduction is similar to the majority of scleractinian corals in Nanwan Bay reflecting that the environmental condition in this period is favorable for the
survival of larvae or juveniles [4]. The male gonad of Condylactis sp. was not found even under extensive examinations. This phenomenon is unusual and suggests that it may reproduce by parthenogenesis or its spermatogenesis may occur in a short period of time.
Hope that answers your question, they can split and reproduce sexually. In this study though just over 5% actually split by fission.