Florida Condi: Bad or good????


Is Florida Condi Anemone really a good anemone - I read on ***deleted*** that it had killed two shrimps? :scared:
And I understand that it is not likely that my clownfish will like it :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:


If your looking for a host i would go with a BTA,my maroon clowns love them!They don't get near the condi's i have though.Hope this helps!


Active Member
my percula didn't touch my condi either. but that doesn't mean yours won't. it's not a guarantee that a clown will host and anemone. BTA's are cool though. My clarkii loves it.


If you want it for clown hosting a different anemone would be better.
My condy is a pretty agressive eater.
I feed him krill and once he touches it with one tenticle it brings the krill closer and wraps more tenticles around it pretty quickly. Not much of a chance for anything to get away.
I might be getting more since i have no corals. Can't beat the price.