Florida LR and Phosphate Levels


New Member
Anybody ever here of "Dale Barger" LR & LS . I know it is aquaculcultered in the Gulf Of Mex. It arrived LOADED with corals, algae, fan worms, sponge,assorted hitchhikers. Very happy with the looks of it . It cycled well with minimal die-off of wanted stuff. I now have a Phosphate problem.(very high) Is it possible the rock is chunks of phosphate. Also the sand? I have heard that alot of FLA. rock is phosphate. I run "Phos-Ban" in a reactor. I use phosphate pads in the sump and I still have High levels. Just wondering if anyone else has or had this problem. Thanks


i have florida aquacultured rock myslef, its beautiful with LOTS of life on in........did you consider the other factors that can cause high phosphate, like too much light, wrong type of light,too many hours of light, tap water, or sunlight through tank? well figure whats going on...


Active Member
Phosphates are not caused by light. It is a mineral that has to be introduced. Normally from foods or polluted water...