

I have recently picked up a Flounder for my tank along with an eel. Has anyone put a flounder in their tank? If so what kind of success or failures did you have? Any info someone could give would be very appreciated. Thanks


Hmmm Noone has ever had a flounder or knew of someone having one of these. I think I must have made a bad buy then...


Active Member
I'm guessing it's a bit premature to think that no one else has ever had a flounder. You only waited 2 hours! Remember, it's saturday morning and many people are either sleeping or have other things to do rather than read questions on this BB!! Sorry, I can't help you with this question! :)


The eel is rather small and has shown no interest in the flounder. Yet it has shown interest in my 2 hermits though. I am going to try frozen right away with this guy and see if I can cut out the live part of the deal. The eel is a snowflake and is rather friendly. While I was turning over a turbo snail that has fallen off the glass and landed on his back. The eel did take a liking to my hand looking for some food I am guessing. As for the flounder he is in 125 tank with a 4 inch sand bed and is already making a mess. <img src="graemlins//yell.gif" border="0" alt="[yell]" />


Active Member
flounder, neat fish, the only thing, they do get fairly big, so you need a rather large tank without live rock in it's way as they grow, they will need more sand to hide in that and yoou want to make sure you don't have any inverts or smaller fishes that he may take a liking to, ever seen these guys eat, anytihgn they can grab, and hiding like they do, they can grab alot,IT'S AWESOME, i would just use caution in stocking this tank, other than that i think they are neat to watch eat, laying on the side, in the sand


Thanks for the info guys. I have only had it in there for about 24 hours now. Only inverts I have right now is 2 hermits 2 turbos and 2 blue legged ( they hide up and in the rocks ) So far so good though. I been keeping an eye on the tank to see if I would have any problems but so far so good. Thanks again. ;)


Will do...He is awesome looking. Favorite part I like is when he buries himself... make a heck of a mess with my sand but it still looks cool