Flow for Mushrooms


I am just curious on how much flow is to less or too much for mushrooms? I want my water to be well circulated but I dont want the shrooms to be thrashed back and forth to much to aggrevate them. In the next week I am going to have two Maxi Jets 600's and a Emperor 400 in a 45 gallon tank. I am also interested in other soft corals so any suggestions would be very helpful. For my lighting I have 2 96 watt Coralife Lunar Aqualight Deluxe Series 1 Actinic and 1 10,000K, 2 3/4 watt Blue LEDs. Thanks.


I am also interested in what other coral and fish would be good for my setup. On the tank I also have a Seaclone skimmer along with 55 lbs of Fiji live rock and about 30 to 40 lbs of live sand among hermits and snails.


Active Member
Once the shrooms pump up its easy to see if the flow is too much., They like some flow but not to the point they get knocked around. If they pump up and lay relatively flat on the rocks or sand base they are content and will do fine. Zoo's frogspawn, leathers, plates, greenstar polyps, xenia and even pipe organ corals all do fine under PC lights like you have.
Once a shroom is attached its easy to increase flow at that point, withouty much worry of it getting swept away. I keep my flow so that there is just a hint of movement on the shrooms edges, but mainly govern my flow by how my green star polyps or pipe organ corals are moving.