flow? pumps?


i currently have a c-360 marineland canister filter and a prizm protien skimmer in a 55g. my Q is is this enogh flow? i have the intake for the canister on the back right corner and the out-let on the front right corner pointed length wise down the tank and the protien skimmer on the opposite side but it seems like theres a slick on the fare side of the tank is this just b/c there not enoght current in the tank? what can i do, add a powerhead or can i put a pump in line w/ the outlet hose for more flow? any advise would be great help


What size tank? If you are keeping a reef then more flow would be better. Can't really have too much of it. Just as long as it isnt aimed directly at the corals.


I would add two pumps when you get ready to have corals. One maxijet 1200 pump on each of the tank pointed at each other. I like the maxijet pumps but there are certainly other comparable models out there.