

Active Member
I have a 30 gallon tank and the only flow that it gets is from the output of the filter, so do I NEED a powerhead? I mean, the tank is pretty small, so is it necessary? If so, how big, what kind, how much, etc... Thank YOU!!!!


Active Member
Well, most people say that you need 20 times your tank size, so she would need at least 600, but I still don't have an answer to my question.


Active Member
Originally Posted by MustangCaleb
i have 2 maxi jet 1200s in my 125g. do you have to much flow, or do i not have enough?
You don't have nearly enough IMO. You also should count your filter and PS. 2 maxijet 1200's equals 590 gph (295 gph X 2). For a 125 you should have 2500 gph flow at a minimum.
Originally Posted by camfish

I have a 30 gallon tank and the only flow that it gets is from the output of the filter, so do I NEED a powerhead? I mean, the tank is pretty small, so is it necessary? If so, how big, what kind, how much, etc... Thank YOU!!!!
I have a 29 gal and have an emperor 400 (400 gph) an aqua c remora PS with a maxijet 1200 (295 gph) and 2 maxijet 900 powerheads 460 gph) for a total of 1155 gph (almost 40 times flow). I'm lovin it


Active Member
My filter doesn't have a gph rating and I don't intend on ever keeping corals in this tank, it is too small and the lighting isn't good for corals, so no. It is a fowlr tank and will probably always be.


Active Member
If you are not going to have corals then I wouldn't think that you would need a PH, (but believe me you could keep them in a 30 gal)
I currently have 5 ricordias, a pulsing xenia and a green birdsnest in my 29. And I plan on getting more



Active Member
Thanks for the straight answer, I probably will get a ph in the future, but for now, I can't because I have to spend every cent I have on my fish. Thanks for the replies everyone.


It has nothing to do with corals. Your HOB filter is not enough in a 29 tank. You need power heads to move the water. SW has very little oxygen in it by itself. It is very dense. In your tank, the oxygen is added when the flow from your filter breaks the surface. You need power heads to move the oxygen throughout the tank. If you do not have them, then the oxygen travels right back up to the surface. The area, where you see the water falling into the water from the HOB, would be the only oxygenated spot in the tank. Fish need oxygen to breath. You MUST get a power head or two. One on either side of the tank is best. Without flow, your rock will get dead spots, which will decay, becoming ammonia. Many problems stem from not enough flow.


Originally Posted by camfish
Thanks for the straight answer, I probably will get a ph in the future, but for now, I can't because I have to spend every cent I have on my fish. Thanks for the replies everyone.
Oh no, you need the powerheads before any fish. Your fish will be gasping without oxygen in the water.


Go to your LFS and ask if they have any older powerheads laying around they can sell you cheap...
I did that when i first got started...