flower anemone


flower anemones diet on meat right? i tryed placing a piece of shrimp by his mouth, and he slowly pushes it off of him. is there a different food that he prefers?


Active Member
mine always loved shrimp- try squid or silversides- make sure it is thawed all the way and in fairly small pieces- like dime sized or smaller- tell us a bit about the tank and lighting


some varieties take meaty foods more readily . . seems the 'frilly' one with tentacles do . . . but none seem to have to have much in a tank with fish etc... as the bioload byproducts seem to suffice. I macerate fish/shrimp/or brine and squirt all my anemonies once a week . . . and that seem to work well as some of my flower anemonies have lived for years!


well the tank is a 45gal. has a banded snake eel, flame angel, yellowtail blue damsel, hermits, and chocolate star. 50/50 bulb lighting. the flower positioned itself in the sand at the bottom of the tank, so i really dont want to disturb him just to move him closer to the top. he seems very health where he is.