Flower Pot Coral


Active Member
hummm, sorry to say but do not recommend buying them. i have never heard of anyone having any success with them.i beleive that that are from merky waters and no not do well in reef tanks.
I hope someone will prove me wrong!!!
with this said; it may not open up.
like i said; I hope someone proves me wrong.
sorry, :(


Active Member
I have one... from my experience, they are not extremely fragile (certainly not hardy either), they are just very moody. This can be a problem if you have more than one because they are very sensitive to other corals near them. If the flowerpot becomes unhappy, it has the ability to release a toxin into the water in attempt to kill nearby corals. From what I have heard/read, the toxin from a single flowerpot is not deadly to most stock (only the most fragile/sensitive), but the toxin from multiple flowerpots can wipe out a reef.
With all that said, my flowerpot has not been happy in a couple of weeks, and I think it is a lighting issue. I run standard lighting, and I had to replace the bulbs about a month ago. Since then the flowerpot only comes out first thing in the morning, and late at night (when only the actinic bulb is on). If you can find a place where it is happy, DON'T MOVE IT. It's tough to make flowerpots comfortable.
Good luck with him... they can be frustrating, but I think it's worth it if you can get a happy one.
Oh, btw... be sure that you don't touch the stony base of the coral with your hands/fingers. The oils and junk on you skin will kill animal where you touched it. I find it's best to use one of the plastic bags that my LFS sends stock home in like a glove.
[ July 24, 2001: Message edited by: jacksonpt ]


6 months seems to be the normal lifespan of these corals in a reef tank. I had one the size of a volleyball and it was doing great, but it must have known it's 6 month birthday was coming up as it quickly started to wither away. :( Wish you the best!


This is one of the corals that nobody seems to be able to keep for more than about 2 years. Julian Sprung recommends against keeping them until more is known about them. They are found in lagoon areas, not on the actual reef, and these areas are more nutrient rich than the reef, which is nutrient poor. Since you already bought it, give it your best shot, but I wish the LFS's and mail order places would quit selling them until the secret to keeping them is found.