Active Member
Ok guys & gals.....Were going to try to pull all of our talents and resources together to do a project for 1 of our own fellow reefer here on the board...I guess by now you've figured out it's Flower....I think we've finally converted her to the dark side of sumps and fuges
. We've all followed some of the topics or issues she's had, and were going to try to simplify things and set her up with a sump/fuge that will fit her needs and space constraints. What we really need is for everyone to join in and give some input, critique and make suggestions. I'm looking forward to getting all the masterminds on the board here to join in.....No bystanders!!!!!!! We all have strengths and weaknesses, and we need to join up for a common goal and make this build a success for 1 of our own....Don't make me call you masterminds out of the woodwork. I expect to hear lots from Corey, Henry, Spreg, Meowzer,SCSInet, Bang, Nycbob, FloridaJoe, and there's a slew more of you out there that I always call on, but even the people I haven't met; would really be a treat to get everyone involved.
So....Flower and I have been talking the past 2 days about her system....A big issue is space!!!! Currently she's running 2 canister setups. We are going to try to eliminate them all together with this build, but again space will be an obstacle. Another obstacle is the tank isn't drilled, but with all you masterminds out there we know how to tackle that issue as well. We want this build to be a learning experience for people just starting into this realm. For some it will job our memories of stuff we have forgotten about over the years, for others it will be an actual learning experience; that hopefully you can walk away with something that might enable you to tackle your own DIY project. Maybe from good, lively conversation and debate I will learn something
. We want everyone to get involved meaning lots of questions, suggestions, and sources if you have them to pull this off......
Our first big issue with the build is the space constraints we have to work with inside the stand.....We want this to be as compact, but useful and beneficial to her system. We want to eliminate any wet floors as she has suffered in the past. There are going to be several areas we will address and look at. We do have a budget as well for the project, so no wild suggestions for BubbleKing or ATB cone skimmers guys!!!!! I'll probably be the one to make the crazy suggestion like that
. Through conversation with Flower she has filled me in on some things about the system. Again space, keep it as neat as possible and inside the stand, and make it WORK......(just kidding Flower)!!!!! Seriously it does need to be all of the things mentioned, but importantly we will try to make the installation of the new sump/fuge as easy as possible. We all know and dread of the thought of moving a tank or tearing a tank down to install a new piece of equipment. We want to try to eliminate any of that during this build/renovation work here.
1. Space constraints inside the cabinet(stand) Flower tells me the stand has a center support in the middle of the stand....For most of us hard core DIY not an issue, but this is obstacle number 1. The space we have to get the equipment in is 15 1/2" W x 21"H. The actually length inside the stand is roughly 45"-46". The actually height inside the stand is 26" so we do have a little room inside to work with. Flower correct me anywhere I'm wrong.....
2. Flower isn't pleased with her current skimmer the Coralife skimmer.....She says it's 25" tall and is a pain inside the stand to work with, and she has had water leakage from the skimmer, but Flower will give more details on her skimmer issue, but it has caused her wet floors quite a few times..... I am currently suggesting an ASM skimmer. Good skimmer, will perform, and reasonably priced. Open to all ideas.
3. Another issue is we know of her ongoing battle from her other thread....She loves her goby, and I was thinking we can/will incorporate a separate fuge DSB elsewhere; where her little goby friend won't interfere with the benefits of having a sand bed and the goby going to town on it. Hopefully as well in this process we can get some really good info out there about the proper up keep and maintenance on a DSB and even the benefits of running a RDSB (remote deep sand bed).
4. We will need to look at an address plumbing. Again we want this to be a simple/painless install. Lets try to keep the plumbing as easy an straight forward as possible.
5. We will need to look at overflows....How to get the water from the tank down to the sump/fuge.....Meowzer....I turned you on to some good sources can you get us the low down?????
6. Return pump.....Again due to space constraints we will be looking at submersible pumps for this build. Again keeping in mind plumbing ease as well.....
7. The setup must incorporate an utilize Flowers ATO....she already has it an is available asset to her, and we will need to incorporate a ATO top off chamber in this build as well.
I have been tossing around ideas with Flower and utilized a very good resource for what she is after. Here is a pic of what the proposed sump/fuge will look like when complete.
The spacing of the compartments will be altered to accommodate Flowers equipment. Again remember we must also incorporate a chamber for her ATO as well.
Al right guys.....I've laid out the basics here, and we are ready for some input, pics, advice, whatever you can bring to the table bring it, and lets get this built for Flower....I have already advised Flower that I will take care of the build process, just need hers and everyone else's input, and resources as well.

So....Flower and I have been talking the past 2 days about her system....A big issue is space!!!! Currently she's running 2 canister setups. We are going to try to eliminate them all together with this build, but again space will be an obstacle. Another obstacle is the tank isn't drilled, but with all you masterminds out there we know how to tackle that issue as well. We want this build to be a learning experience for people just starting into this realm. For some it will job our memories of stuff we have forgotten about over the years, for others it will be an actual learning experience; that hopefully you can walk away with something that might enable you to tackle your own DIY project. Maybe from good, lively conversation and debate I will learn something

Our first big issue with the build is the space constraints we have to work with inside the stand.....We want this to be as compact, but useful and beneficial to her system. We want to eliminate any wet floors as she has suffered in the past. There are going to be several areas we will address and look at. We do have a budget as well for the project, so no wild suggestions for BubbleKing or ATB cone skimmers guys!!!!! I'll probably be the one to make the crazy suggestion like that

1. Space constraints inside the cabinet(stand) Flower tells me the stand has a center support in the middle of the stand....For most of us hard core DIY not an issue, but this is obstacle number 1. The space we have to get the equipment in is 15 1/2" W x 21"H. The actually length inside the stand is roughly 45"-46". The actually height inside the stand is 26" so we do have a little room inside to work with. Flower correct me anywhere I'm wrong.....
2. Flower isn't pleased with her current skimmer the Coralife skimmer.....She says it's 25" tall and is a pain inside the stand to work with, and she has had water leakage from the skimmer, but Flower will give more details on her skimmer issue, but it has caused her wet floors quite a few times..... I am currently suggesting an ASM skimmer. Good skimmer, will perform, and reasonably priced. Open to all ideas.
3. Another issue is we know of her ongoing battle from her other thread....She loves her goby, and I was thinking we can/will incorporate a separate fuge DSB elsewhere; where her little goby friend won't interfere with the benefits of having a sand bed and the goby going to town on it. Hopefully as well in this process we can get some really good info out there about the proper up keep and maintenance on a DSB and even the benefits of running a RDSB (remote deep sand bed).
4. We will need to look at an address plumbing. Again we want this to be a simple/painless install. Lets try to keep the plumbing as easy an straight forward as possible.
5. We will need to look at overflows....How to get the water from the tank down to the sump/fuge.....Meowzer....I turned you on to some good sources can you get us the low down?????
6. Return pump.....Again due to space constraints we will be looking at submersible pumps for this build. Again keeping in mind plumbing ease as well.....
7. The setup must incorporate an utilize Flowers ATO....she already has it an is available asset to her, and we will need to incorporate a ATO top off chamber in this build as well.
I have been tossing around ideas with Flower and utilized a very good resource for what she is after. Here is a pic of what the proposed sump/fuge will look like when complete.
The spacing of the compartments will be altered to accommodate Flowers equipment. Again remember we must also incorporate a chamber for her ATO as well.
Al right guys.....I've laid out the basics here, and we are ready for some input, pics, advice, whatever you can bring to the table bring it, and lets get this built for Flower....I have already advised Flower that I will take care of the build process, just need hers and everyone else's input, and resources as well.