Flric got a concern!


Got up this morning,checked my tanks. My biocube 8 where my zoas and rics are. The orange ric I got from you has detatched itself from the plug you mounted it on and is about 4" away to the right of the plug as you can see! should I be concerned or leave him alone.


No mods have been done to the tank or pump yet,stock pump only 106gph not strong enough to blow anything around,was planning on swapping large LR to smaller peices of LR.But don't want to disturb anything now! What do you think!


Active Member
If it is attatched to a small piece of rock (even the tiniest piece) you can take superglue gel and build on that by applying small amounts a little at a time inbetween hardenings and use this as a base to reattatch it to your LR. You can also reattatch it to the plug and move it to a different location. It was not happy with where it sat for some reason and detatched. Might need more/less flow and/or light.
Easy to reattatch it. Remove it from the water and flip it upside down onto a clean paper towel. Take your time and apply some glue to any fragments it may have held to its foot and dip into water and repeat. Having it out of the water for a couple minutes will do it no harm at all so take your time as I said before. No rush on the ric's health part. If you get a little glue on the ric itself it will not bother it. The glue will not stick to the ricordea because of the slime it will be putting out when out of the water.


Active Member
And dip those zoas that are closed. If the others are open those should also be open. Look them over carefully with a magnifying glass (I use a 50mm lens from a 35mm camera system turned around for excellent magnification while wearing goggles for protection incase the zoa squirts) for nudies and nudi eggs or other irritants. Place them in a good flow area.
I recommend placing them in Kent's iodine after the bottle is floated to tank temp. Place enough to cover the zoa into a plastic deli cup, place the zoa in for 1 minute, shake the zoa off and place into good flow area.
note: keep the bottle upright while bringing the iodine to tank temp just incase cap leaks.


Thanks Mike,will do. The lights hasn't been on very long when I took the pic.Between the ric and plug is a kenya tree not open yet.just saw that in pic!