Fluid Dynamics 101 help please


Okay, let's say I have a 1 1/2" standpipe, what is the maximum GPH I can get through to the sump. For the sake of my sanity, please ignore things like, algae growth, height above sea-level etc. LOL ..... thanking all in advance.


it dosen't work that way,you have to take into consideration
the pump rating gallon per minute and if the pump has to push the water upgrade ,that will determin the gpm on any pump
first start the pump into a gallon bucket of water see how many seconds it takes to fill then x 60=gpm m.l.


Thanks guys, actually my pumps are going to be able to return between 3500-4500 GPH so I guess I better go with three standpipes to be safe huh?
Later, Paul


Active Member
Yep Paul,
If you plan to run those pumps, better safe than sorry ;)
You sure don't want to have to go back and re do things later if ya know wadda mean - I'm sure you do :p
Sounds like a big tank and sump !!!!


You can get a ball valve at any hardware store and put it on the return from the pump if you want. That way you can adjust the flow rate going back into the tank to match your returns.


Broomer, it's a 220 that I'm building. I'm going with a "closed" circulation system to eliminate powerheads and the associated wires and maintenance headaches. I will be installing gatevalves on all the various return lines so I will be able to regulate the flow but I want to be able to handle the maximum if I should need it. I'll post pics as I get them back from the photo shop, my digital has been hijacked by some friends of ours who just had twins LOL my wife has her priorities and it's a small price to pay for her allowing me my hobby :D
Later, Paul