fluidized bed filter does anyone use one and other questions


New Member
i wanted to know they say they work good for a high bio load .
i also would like to know in a 4 month old 30 gal tank that i have.
one i think i have been through it all went trough the cycle ok and the the alge problem, i started useing Ro water and i rented a diatom filter to clean it. came out crytal clear but still in a couple days it seems to get a tiny bit cloudy.
is it where the tank is still new? i do a water change everyweek and the water it self witht eh test all look good.
calcium is 420 nitrite are 0 nitrates are 20
could it be the bio load is to much i have a few damels and a scooter bleany
and a flame angel.
i have live rock also and a clean up crew of snails and hermit crabs .
i dont have a sump want one but cant drill the tank and dont want to use a prefilter with a u tube i hear they fail alot .
so i have a cascade 700 canister filter with bio media in it along with boyd chemi clear for the chemical filtration
and of course the bio spounge that came with it .
will a good protein skimmer do a alot of good also? the one i have doesnt work to good.
but i think i have done ok sence i havent lost any fish with the alge blooms i have been haveing.
one more thing with the flame angel i have what kind of coral can i have with him ? i hear that when they get to adlut size they might eat on the corals or clams .
well one more feeding i for got to put i ahve a feather duster also
but how much should i feed the fish and how often. i use frozen brine shrimp and formula one frozen food. one cube seems alot for what i have but everything in the tank seem to love it even the snails go to it .
useing this is beter the dry food isnt it
any advice is welcome .


Active Member
What's the question again?

What is a diatom filter? Diatoms are a normal part of a tank's maturing process. They will go away on their own. Get a good cleanup crew and a skimmer. You say you started using RO water... what did you use before that? What exactly is in this tank, fishwise?


New Member
yes filter to remove green alge
i have pics on my puter just dont know how to put them on here.
i going to get a coralife super skimmer


Active Member
what other fish do you have in a 30 with a flame angel that are you considering it to be a high bio load??