Flunking Reef keeping 101


Ok.....why can't I grow MUSHROOMS??? Everything "says" they are easy and low maintenance and I am on my third batch and they are not thriving......a better description would be sagging and drooping and hanging on for dear life.... my water tests from my kit and my lfs are reading exactly the same and they are good.....I have in my 55gal tank: I realize tank is new but I thought those were good starters...:(
About 70lbs LR
110w VHO/actinic lighting (new had them almost 1 week)
1 chili coral
1 finger leather coral
1 green bubble tip anemone
2 florida condi's
3 small emerald crabs
1 margartia snail
3 small queen conch
1 tiny hermit can't tell what kind yet (hitchhiker)
3 Marshall Island Blue leg hermits (small)
1 Blood Shrimp
3 Peppermint Shrimp
1 Anemone Shrimp
1 Engineer Goby
1 Orange Percula Clown
2 Chromis (1 is MIA as of right now)
1 Green Brittle Star
1 Sand Star
Running a Remora C Skimmer with 1200 Maxi
1200 Maxi for circulation
and my cheap charcoal skimmer that came with my tank
Any suggestions?? I have tried moving them to darker spots under the rocks, etc. they are "sliding and hanging" off their rocks and do not appear to be relocating themselves...I am at my wits end.....


Oh yes, water temps is running stable (no matter how much I try to lower the heater) at 80* even with the new lighting and late day indirect sun....thought that might be something else to add


Do you only run actinic? I would think these things need some day light of some sort.


PH 8.2
0 Ammonia
0 Nitrite
0 Nitrate
1.025 Salinity
80 *
I didn't get the numbers from lfs on my calcium or alklinity he just said they were "fine"
I have 1 blue actinic and 1 white VHO bulb on my light kit....lfs set up for me so could have some soft corals.....I had previously only had a single 50/50 bulb.


Thank you Kip! As you can tell I am new to hobby and frustrated......after much reading I am still a "dumbA--"! lol but I am still trying......my lfs is really pretty good but they aren't close enough to me to help much except when I can take in my water and digital camera with pics of what is happening.....you discussed circulation......I have the maxi for circulation on the left end of my tank pointed to the far end and from the "micro bubbles" I think I have pretty good circulation......I haven't found much on the previous threads about correct circulation set up....is this a trial and error thing or do you have any advice on this....I haven't figured out how to post pics yet and I know they help you guys but a pic wouldn't indicate circulation anyway.
Thanks for your replies.....of all the ones I read on here...I appreciate your layman's approach to explanations.....it helps me in the 101 process of learning...:)
Have a good one!


I was thinking the little bubbles were from my new Remora Skimmer.....they said it would bubble until it broke in and I didn't have them before I got it last week. I am getting algae with my new lights and am going to lfs today for some more snails...should I ask them about the bubble trap for it?? And I will talk to them about circulation.....


Thanks again Kip!

I will check back when I return from lfs....may need to elaborate on this thread after talk to them and I am going to let me test my water again and I will write down the numbers....they do it for free and right now the savings for another test kit is worth it to me until I figure so more stuff out about water quality and stability. Think that makes sense....anyway....off I go!


Just curious - do you go the The Fish Pros in Amarillo?? This is the closest to me. I have seen another one listed in the phone book - Aqua Calm - but have not heard anything about them.
>< (formerly)


Yes I do.....don't know how much I can say about lfs on this thread before Moderators get me but I got my setup from the other you mentioned.....they are a new family business, really nice ppl there but they are "under construction" to say the least to be even close to FP's. I have gotten better trouble shooting info from FP's than AC if you can get them to wait on you.


I think it may be your lights. 110w sounds a little low.
110 /55 = 2 watts per gallon of light.
I have 55 gallon reef with several species of mushrooms growing. I have reds, blue, and blue stripped. All are thriving.
I have PC 265w 10k , 6000k Coralife light.



Originally posted by DiverTrain
PH 8.2
0 Ammonia
0 Nitrite
0 Nitrate
1.025 Salinity
80 *
I didn't get the numbers from lfs on my calcium or alklinity he just said they were "fine"
I have 1 blue actinic and 1 white VHO bulb on my light kit....lfs set up for me so could have some soft corals.....I had previously only had a single 50/50 bulb.

I think I would want to know what the Calcium and Alk are. You should get some test kits so that you can keep track of your water parameters, then you will be able to setup a system for what you add to your tank.
I know most people say to be careful when doseing Iodine so I would not recomend doing this unless you have a test kit so you can keep track of the ppm in the tank, but this has always perked up my mushrooms.:)