flushing sound every minute


New Member
I just changed to a tidepool in my 75 gal. reef tank. There was nothing unusual the first day, but now there is a toilet flushing sound every other minute. I'm pretty sure that it's the overflow box. Anyone know what I can do about this? It's very loud!


Active Member
I am assuming that this overflow is built in so check and see is the water in the overflow box is NOT moving up and down but at a constant level. If it is moving up and down, make sure that the tube is not too far under the water in the over flow. You will need to pull it up or down a bit (tinker) until the level stays constant and the gurgling/flushing sound stops.


Active Member
Is it the overflow box for sure, or do you have a sump? I have this same noise every few minutes but its in the sump, in the chamber where the overflow water is dumping in. There is a build up of air bubbles, and every minute or two....gulp(flush). Not sure what can be done about it


Originally Posted by T316
Is it the overflow box for sure, or do you have a sump? I have this same noise every few minutes but its in the sump, in the chamber where the overflow water is dumping in. There is a build up of air bubbles, and every minute or two....gulp(flush). Not sure what can be done about it
You can fix the noise in the sump by using a tee. Just at the level of the water install a tee and on the tee side put a short tube pointing up. This will allow the air to escape with out being pushed through the sump water.
Good Luck
We have an overflow box that goes to a prefilter, then down the tube to a chamber containing a bubble trap tube, then into the skimmer.....This was making a horrible gurgling sound. My husband put a small tube inside the prefilter sponge (used a plastic coffee stirrer as a cross T to hold it in place) No more gurgle!


if it's in the overflow, i've had great luck with both durso stand pipes, and stockman stand pipes. virtually no sound now, and easy to make by yourself.