fluval 204


hi guys im looking into a canister filter and wondering how good the fluval 204 is for my 29 gallon set up ? or any recomondations ?
Fluval is okay for Fish only setups. Better to go as high as practical. If you intend to keep anything more then fish such as SPS, or other plant life, filtration needs to be at the highest level.


I use a Fluval 304 in my 54 corner FOWLR. I think a 204 for a 29 is plenty. The live rock will be your bio filter and the Fluval will be mechanical and chemical. Just be sure to keep the Fluval clean. You can run carbon or Chemi-pure along with the filter pads but you won't need the bio media that comes with it.


i got the 204 along with chemizorb and green-x and with in 2 days im geting a sand storm i think its called im not its a sand filter of sum sort i figure go big or go home thats my motto sept i didnt realy go big on the tank but im just getin into the hobby soorry im so dumbfounded guys


Is the water pick-up too close to the bottom and picking up sand? If not explain more so I can try to help.



Originally posted by calem
oh sorry sand storm is a bio filter system i think are air drivin protine skimmers good?

Sorry, I don't know anything about sand storm filter. Airstone skimmers are not good. Get a venturi skimmer.