Fluval filter pads


Hi, I have two Fluval filters in my 90gal tank. I was told that I have to change the foam pads in the filters every week. My question is, do I have to replace them with new foam pad or can I just take the old ones out, rinse them clean and put them back in?



Originally posted by MAdNESS
I was told that I have to change the foam pads in the filters every week.

Who told you that??
I've got 1 Fluval 304 on my 55. I'd suggest rinsing the foam filter out (in salt water from a water change) every month or two. I would depend on how much food and waste the pad is collecting. If you were feeding messy eaters, like puffers, you might want to do it with more frequency.


Actually someone on this forum told me that. Maybe I misunderstood.
Thanks I'll try that, what about the other parts of the filter, should I rinse those out too? I have carbon, nitrate sponge, and pre-filter in the chambers, should they be rinsed once a month as well?


Active Member
You can rinse the filter out and replace once a month. Now for foam pads that is diffrent just rinse them out every now and then.



Originally posted by MAdNESS
I have carbon, nitrate sponge, and pre-filter in the chambers, should they be rinsed once a month as well?

It is debated a lot, but most "experts" say that carbon is only truely effective for the first 24 hours or so it is in the tank. I would suggest changing it out every 2-4 weeks. I currently don't run carbon in mine, but I am considering using it on occasion in my protein skimmer box due to the easy access for changing.


Active Member
You can tell when the carbon stops working you will get a odor back from the tank. It isnt from the carbon it is what the carbon was pulling out. Mine lasted about 2 weeks before I started getting the saltwater smell again.


Whom ever told you to change out/even rinse out your filter weekly is an idiot!!I would not listen to his/her advice at all! Before upgrading to a refugium, I used a 403, and a 303 on my 125 reef. Though I did weekly water changes, I only did monthly filter maintenance W/O any problems. As long as you do this, your foam pad should last you around 6 months.



Originally posted by Andretti
I only did monthly filter maintenance W/O any problems.

Can you elaborate what you do for filter maintenance?


Active Member
Risning out filters is a debatable subject. Washing it with saltwater shouldnt hurt anything just get read of the big peice of debri left behind.


Yes, simply wash out your filter pads, change your carbon, clean out the dedris in your canister. Some suggest rinsing them out with salt h20, but I simply washed them out w/ regular R/O h20; I NEVER had any problems doing this. In fact, I still do it on my 55 gal fish only tank and it is stocked to the max!


Active Member
If you wash it with regular freshwater you will kill the biological filtration that is in the media.


Active Member

Originally posted by Andretti
Whom ever told you to change out/even rinse out your filter weekly is an idiot!!I would not listen to his/her advice at all!

There is absolutely nothing wrong with rinsing them out in saltwater - not freshwater, not tap water...salt water. It helps remove excess debris that just rots in them, often contributing to nitrate problems. It doesn't hurt to rinse all of the parts in dechlorinated saltwater in order to remove debris for this reason. Prefilters, etc should be rinsed often. If they are not the primary biological substrates (meaning you have LR, etc) sponges can be rinsed even in freshwater, as their role is primarily mechanical filtration and not biological. In some situations, similar biological substrates (eg biowheels, bioballs, etc) can be removed entirely.
Rest assured, even if you think I'm an idiot for saying this, :rolleyes: I can still sleep at night :yes:
But now I have read the next post and it seems that you do rinse them out??? :notsure: Maybe it is that you don't think the whole filter needs to be taken apart every week and rinsed? Oh well. I think the general message is still that is OK to rinse out the sponges.