Fluval FX5 high performance canister filter


Active Member
So I bought one of these for 250 no tax and hooked it up. I did not research them as I got the deal and jumped on it as I have seen them before and none under 300 then add tax. Anywho anybody know much about them ??
I am still running a wet.dry as my skimmer is in it and a bio wheel 400 as well until tomorrow when I pull it out. I have them all running right now but can not remove the bio as the wife is sleeping and it will make too much noise.
Anyway any advice on them would be appreciated thanks.
I am running a 75gal fowler with a torch. pulsing Xenia some zoo's and some green plant super small I dunno what it is.


Active Member
personally I'm a huge fan of alot of mechanical filtration. And that will do it for you. But the downside is most people are too lazy to clean them as often as needed. And depending on the bioload it will need to be cleaned pretty regularly.
$250 for the fx5 is a pretty good price for a new one in store. And they move alot of water. You mnight consider putting some "biorings" (they are ceramic cylinders with a hole through the middle) they will give you a little more bio-load, and that is a great place to run carbon from too.


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
personally I'm a huge fan of alot of mechanical filtration. And that will do it for you. But the downside is most people are too lazy to clean them as often as needed. And depending on the bioload it will need to be cleaned pretty regularly.
$250 for the fx5 is a pretty good price for a new one in store. And they move alot of water. You mnight consider putting some "biorings" (they are ceramic cylinders with a hole through the middle) they will give you a little more bio-load, and that is a great place to run carbon from too.

I am using black diamond on the bottom and the top two are rocks i have not broken them up small enough yet but for tonight it is fine and they really dont need to be super small that I know of. I will be running cheni pure elite middle and purigen carbon bottom and will get the biorings in when I find them.
How often should I change them out any idea ?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Fats71
I am using black diamond on the bottom and the top two are rocks i have not broken them up small enough yet but for tonight it is fine and they really dont need to be super small that I know of. I will be running cheni pure elite middle and purigen carbon bottom and will get the biorings in when I find them.
How often should I change them out any idea ?
It really depends on your bio-load, I ran mine on a 180 with some messy fish like a large dogface. I tried to clean the pads every 3 weeks. I didn't run anything in the canister because everything was stable because of the live rock. But when I'd run the occational carbon I'd pull it out at the same time. That stuff would be covered in detrius.


Active Member
Right now I only have a blue spotted puffer and foxface and a diamond gobie and one yellow tail damsel which is dead hidden somewhere in my tank for over a week... I have a few turbos and some other snails and two cleaner shrimp with 80 pounds of live rock and 60 pounds of LS. I do not have a large bio-load I do not think annd my 75 with the 2 gal in the canister probably 3 in the wet'dry and another 2 gallon in the bio-wheel right now is actually a 82 gallon until I pull the bio-wheel today dropping 2 gallon from it. I will be adding a refugium and pulling the wet/dry in a few weeks or a sump rather which will be atleast 10 gal and am looking for a cheap used 20 to use instead.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Fats71
Right now I only have a blue spotted puffer and foxface and a diamond gobie and one yellow tail damsel which is dead hidden somewhere in my tank for over a week... I have a few turbos and some other snails and two cleaner shrimp with 80 pounds of live rock and 60 pounds of LS. I do not have a large bio-load I do not think annd my 75 with the 2 gal in the canister probably 3 in the wet'dry and another 2 gallon in the bio-wheel right now is actually a 82 gallon until I pull the bio-wheel today dropping 2 gallon from it. I will be adding a refugium and pulling the wet/dry in a few weeks or a sump rather which will be atleast 10 gal and am looking for a cheap used 20 to use instead.
Depending on the size of your wetdry, you could just pull out the bioballs and use that as a fuge.


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
Depending on the size of your wetdry, you could just pull out the bioballs and use that as a fuge.

It was given to me by my budddy off his 75 but he is re-setting his up so I wanna give it back to him./