flying fish on


can anyone give me some more specifics/information on the guy besides that he needs a "150 gal" or larger tank?


Active Member
A sub-order of Scorpionfish. There are really only 2 species that make it into the hobby, Dactyloptena orientalis which reaches 15in, and Dactylopterus volitans which gets twice (not a typo) as large. Fortunately, D. orientalis is the more popular fish. (FWIW, I think SWF has it backwards, the attached pic looks more like a orientalis then a volitan.)
They are fairly active and spend most of their time swimming about 1"-2" off the sand. For this reason, they need open tanks with a lot of sand room, very similar to the needs of a stingray. They generally don't have a hard time taking to prepared foods, but they should not be kept with tankmates that might harass/peck at their fins, aggressive triggers/puffers, and mean large angels. Small fish would be considered at risk.