FO lighting?


i just started cycling my 55 gal tank, and was just reading how much algae grows with regular normal flourescents... so my quesion is...Do i need a 260 watt compact flourescence lighting fixture if i just plan on keeping fish. And can i get away with a way cheaper compact flourescent fixture with say 50 or 100 watts and still not have to worry about the large amounts of algae in the tank?
any imput helps....thanks


Honestly, It comes down to you, I have personally had problems for floursents and algae growth, and have known people who have had the same...but on the flip side of it, I have known people who run floresants w/ no problems. If you are running that type of lighting, make sure to do water changes, and preferably RO/DI. and do not run them more than 12 hours a day. If you do that, you should be fine w/ the flouresants.
In the end, its really going to come down to what fish you have, and what colors you want to come out. Lighting like MH, T5, and power compacts will bring out color alot more, and enhance the look of the tank. but floursents will work on a budget.