foggy eyes


Hello, My flame angel has had foggy eyes for about two months now and I wanted to know what disease this was and if there was any way to remove. All my other fish are perfect.


Active Member
My Coral Beauty Angle did the same thing, cloudy eyes. I seperated and started hypo in a hospital tank, within a few days I saw visible improvement, also to add you can use Maracyn 2 (an antibiotic), that is what I was told here a few months back. Check on if you can use hypo AND maracyn at the same time (I believe so, but dont want to steer you wrong). I cant find my print out of that info. HTH ;) My post I believe was "cloudy eye" if you want to search for that, there is info there. I have not figured out yet what the disease was called though. Good luck!


I had a lion do the same thing. I was told there is something in the tank burning his eyes. Like to high of salinity or some kind of chemical. Not sure if that was true or not. I did Melafix with hypo and a little stress coat and it cleared up in a few days!