Hi everyone! I got myself a beautiful folded brain coral, green and blue. I put him on the sand bed in an area of the tank with minimal flow, and lower light. He seems very happy! I was wondering though, should I refrain from getting a sand sifting goby or anything of the sort? I like those little yellow headed sleeper gobies with their blue striped cheeks. I was told by the LFS that if my brain coral gets even a tiny tiny amount of sand on him, he'll die within hours. But as we know, it's not a bad idea to double check LFS advice on here! Lol. I also have a pretty bubble coral on the opposite end of the tank in low flow and low light. He's sitting by himself because of aggression tendencies, but he's pretty cute too. Is it the same story with him?
Thanks for all your advice and help, you all have been great!!!
Thanks for all your advice and help, you all have been great!!!