follow up to "is my leather dying"


My leather umbrella has not exposed his polyps for around 2 - 3 weeks now and I read that that was normal. Well nothing has changed except for he is now exhibiting dark "red" or "brown" spots that are aroung 1/2 in in diameter. There are around three of them that have shown up over the last two days or so.


very interesting, i can't believe you remember that. Come to find out that the test kit that I own and the one that the pet store recommended were both pretty faulty. I brought my water up to the store and my parameters are perfect. 0's across the board. I have green star polyps and a BTA which are both thriving.
The dark red or brown spots that showed up.....where are they?On the base or stalk of the leather or on the cap?
Is the stalk full and smooth or is it shriveled...wrinkled ? If it is touch it (wash your hands first) and see if it feels "woody" like an old tree branch.
Are the spots just on one side of the leather...if so where are they in relation to the current in your tank (how much current is in the tank)?
Do the polyps extend from the cap at all and just not open on the ends or do they just not come out at all?
Is the leather standing straight up or is it slumped over? What (and how large) is it attached to?
Are there any noticable signs of it "rotting" ie pieces of it falling off or holes developing in the cap/stalk?
Is there any chance of you posting a pic?
Sorry for all the questions but I am just trying to get a good picture of what you have (without a picture ;) )


New Member
My leather has been closed for a week and there is brown algae growing on it. It looks real bad. Can you please provide me with any suggestions. Is it shedding? the polyps have not come out at all. there are brown spots all over it. It keeps on changiing shapes and is standing upright.


Okay i'll try and get to all of those questions... and thank you for your devotion to this problem.
The patches are on the top of the cap.
He has no polyps out at all.
the cap is not shriveled but smooth and almost waxy looking which I have read is a sign of him sloughing off some skin.
I have two powerheads in the tank and when exposed the polyps sway to and fro but not so much that it looks like it's going to blow him over.
Some days he's really slumped over and some days he's almost straight up and down.
No signs of rotting and no chance of posting a pic. I had hoped for a digital camera for a wedding present but no luck with that.
and in response to the other post sometimes it too looks like it has brown algae.


you might try moving it is you are really worried. my leather have gone a wek at a time. usually the "lose" an outer layier of "skin" and grow a little. never had one do it for 3 weeks though. if it has not changed i would move it around the tank. took me a month or so before i found happy placs for my leathers.
The waxy looking cap is a sign that the leather is trying to shed a layer in an attempt to clean itself. I have found that most leathers have a difficult time getting rid of heavy algae that start to grow on their stalk and/or cap. That said here is what I would do.
First remove the leather from the tank and GENTLY remove all the brown/red algae from the cap. You may simply be able to wipe it away with your fingers. If not use a soft cloth or a soft bristle toothbrush. Just be gentle so as not to damage the coral. Normally leathers should not be cleaned this way and simply putting them in front of a powerhead (or aiming the powerhead at them) will do the trick. I think after three weeks it may need a little more help though. After cleaning the cap and stalk inspect the base. Look for any signs of rot or holes. Clean as needed.
Replace the leather in a secure place mid way up in your 55. With 4x 65 watt power compacts this will be a good starting place.
Redirect the powerheads so that the leather receives moderate current on all sides. More than it would need to keep the polyps "gently swaying" but not so much as to blow it over when fully opened.
If you are dosing any additives stop for now. Run carbon for 1-2 days then do a 20% water change.
Things I would re-check and keep an eye on.
If you are using a plastic "needle type" hydrometer take some water to the LFS or find someone with a refractometer to check your salinity then mark your hydrometer if there is any difference. Salifert makes good test kits.
After this the leather with good water quality should show signs of improvement in three to four days. I am leaving for Cincinnati soon but I will be back Sunday night. I will check back in then
PS staz7 ...a lot of the same info could apply to your problems as well. I would need more info on your setup and water quality before I would suggest anything specific though.


I can't thank you enough. This is the most attention that I've ever received on a post. I'll follow the instructions and hopefully that will be that.
Once more, Thank you very much.
I am back from Cincinnati....hopefully things will improve if they haven't already. Be sure to post back an update when something changes.
Good Luck


Well I followed what you suggested and things have improved. He is standing straight up and down and his polyps are almost all the way out. THey look like little "buds". I'll post when they are completely exposed. Why do you think what I did helped? Was he not getting the right current of perhaps he needed help sloughing off that layer of skin?
I can not say what or why for sure but what I do know is that leather coral will allow algae growth just the same as a rock would provided they are determined not to open. The layer they shed is an attempt to clean themselves but this usually only works on detritus. Once the coral begin to grow the brown/red/rust colored algaes then more intervention is needed as it will only open after it is clean.
Anyway I am glad it worked out for you....keep the current on it and the nitrates down. Also remember to check the other levels from time to time. It is easier to be pro-active to potential problems rather than reactive.