food for clowns


I just got a couple of clowns and bought some formula one marine pellets. Will these be good for them? What else should I get for them and how often should I feed them? These are the first fish I have ever had.


Active Member
feed every day to every other day. I feed my clown prime reef and formula one. Both frozen foods. I used to feedmarine cuisine but he got HLLE (head and lateral line errosion) from lack of nutrients. I switched to formula one and all healed. Now i alternate the two. i also feed him kirll eyes (that come off from the krill i feed my pufferand eel) and some squid sometimes. He is super fat too, even if i dont feed him, from snaking on amphiopods on the side of the glass.


Active Member
I feed mine prime reef and mega marine. Prime reef once a week and mega marine every other day. They go crazy for the prime reef .


Are those both frozen foods?
Originally Posted by drew2005
I feed mine prime reef and mega marine. Prime reef once a week and mega marine every other day. They go crazy for the prime reef .


Active Member
I think they are both frozen.......
I feed mine mainly Formula One pellets but they also get a litle bit of Formula Two Frozen, Cyclopeeze (frozen) and mysis shrimp (frozen). I feed once a day and then twice or 3 times a week I feed the mysis seperately. It is hard to not overfeed clowns, they are always begging for food. The Clownfish book recommends feeding them in the morning and again in the evening but some people only feed their tanks once a day or less. A good rule to go buy is too feed enough food for each fish to match the size of their eye........this I read somewhere. Congrats on your first fish, I hope they bring you much enjoyment for years to come!!


Ill start with some Formula one pellets tonight. Ill buy some frozen stuff next week. Thanks.

Originally Posted by fishmamma
I think they are both frozen.......
I feed mine mainly Formula One pellets but they also get a litle bit of Formula Two Frozen, Cyclopeeze (frozen) and mysis shrimp (frozen). I feed once a day and then twice or 3 times a week I feed the mysis seperately. It is hard to not overfeed clowns, they are always begging for food. The Clownfish book recommends feeding them in the morning and again in the evening but some people only feed their tanks once a day or less. A good rule to go buy is too feed enough food for each fish to match the size of their eye........this I read somewhere. Congrats on your first fish, I hope they bring you much enjoyment for years to come!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by newfishguy
Are those both frozen foods?
Yes both are frozen. They love both. I usually cut one cube into smaller pieces and drop a little at a time. This way im sure they eat it all before it hits bottom.


Ill have to get the frozen stuff tomorrow. I put some Formula One pellets in the tank and they didn't want them. They eventually floated to the bottom and the crabs ate them.
Originally Posted by drew2005
Yes both are frozen. They love both. I usually cut one cube into smaller pieces and drop a little at a time. This way im sure they eat it all before it hits bottom.


Active Member
for some reason, none of my fish will eat pellets..... i think it is just because i have fed them strickly frozen for so long.


Just feed a variety of the best stuff you can find

We got a load of free samples of Hikari Marine which comes in tiny pellets so I tried some in my tank. My tang could care less but my neon damsel goes absolutely NUTS over it! The clowns at work love it too.


Active Member
I feed my clowns and angel nutritionally enhanced brine shrimp flakes, and formula 2 flakes with garlic (alternating days). Once or twice a week they also get some frozen prime reef as a treat (all three eat this right out of my hand). They are very healthy and happy with this combination.
Lisa :happyfish


Do the flakes stay on top of the water so they can get to them. These small Formula one pellets float right to the bottom unless you place them strategically on top of the water.
Originally Posted by MonaLisa
I feed my clowns and angel nutritionally enhanced brine shrimp flakes, and formula 2 flakes with garlic (alternating days). Once or twice a week they also get some frozen prime reef as a treat (all three eat this right out of my hand). They are very healthy and happy with this combination.
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
Clowns are usually pretty aggressive feeders, give them a day or two and they should be more willing to eat once settled in. If they are not even going for the pellets it doesn'tmean they won't like them.....if they go for it and spit it out or decide last minute not to eat after going for the falling pellet then take that as a sign to try some new food. Do you know what they were being fed at LFS?


I have just changed my feeding regimine.... i ran into one problem. I was feeding them way to much. (2wice a day!) This will give you dangerous water levels, and fish are stuipid and will eat till they explode (god love em) so here is what i do
every day, i take what i would feed them, and then take a pinch away. From what i hear its better to underfeed than overfeed. I have a stockpile of the following foods:
marine flakes
marine pellets
freeze dried brine
frozen brine
frozen plankton
angel formula (a spongy food)
frozen cocktail shirmp (cut up of course)
i usually get some garlic, and let the food "marinate" for a little while, then i drain the excess and put the food in the tank.
I try to switch up what i feed them, as i like to call it. In reality im just lazy an like to feed them flakes on the days that im feeling lazy and dont want to thaw out the frozen food.
but the key points are 1. dont feed them too much and 2. switch it up, so they are getting good nutrients. my fish will eat all of what i put in the tank, so variety is key.
thats what i do.... let me know what you experts think


Ill have to go back to the store and ask them. Ill buy some of that and a few frozen things. They definitely would not eat the formula 1. They had it in their mouth and spit it out.
Originally Posted by fishmamma
Clowns are usually pretty aggressive feeders, give them a day or two and they should be more willing to eat once settled in. If they are not even going for the pellets it doesn'tmean they won't like them.....if they go for it and spit it out or decide last minute not to eat after going for the falling pellet then take that as a sign to try some new food. Do you know what they were being fed at LFS?


Active Member
just got mine 2 days ago and they used to eat brine shrimp and some color enhacing flakes they dont show much interest in either and barely eat any of it
what should i do?? algae sheets??


Active Member
Was this what they have been eating since coming home with you or is this what they were being fed prior (or both)?? Have you tried soaking the food in garlic juice/garlic oil/minced garlic to tempt their tummies? Try some type of garlic or garlic extract. If this doesn't work watch for any signs of illness- lethargy, rapid breathing, unusual spots etc..


Active Member
i got the food the lfs was feeding them and started feeding them brine also
so anything garlic should make them eat it??


Active Member
Well it won't make them eat it but something like Kent's Garlic Xtreme is often used to entice a fish to eat, they are attracted to the garlic so soaking the shrimp may entice them a bit.