Food for Corals/Invert


Hey Gang,
I have a cycled tank of 60 Gal with a combo setup. The tank is about 8 months old now. It contains Corals, Inverts and fish. The question i have is what kind of food i need for my coral. Please be specific IE Brand/dosage. Once again.... thanks


i have the followings:
1. flower coral
1. mushroom
2. sea anomones
3-4 others, dont know the name.
i had a elegent coral.. but couldnt make it..
as far as fish... they are ok..... i feed them brim shrimps


also ,,,, what type of lighting do you have?????? I have taken shrimp pellets and set them on my mushrooms and watch them close up to eat also you can powder them up and add water and squirt it by the polyops and dusters with a turkey baster....


I use Marine Snow by "two little fishes" and HUFA every other day and my shrooms feather dusters and all look great......awesome stuff
just follow the directions but it works out to 5ml of hufa and 10ml of snow you wont beleive how your stuff will thrive
[This message has been edited by rickt4du (edited 07-08-2000).]