Food for Tangs, Clownfish, & Damsels?


I have been feeding my fish O.S.I. Marine Flakes, but I was told that you should diversify the fish food.
I was wondering what other people feed their fish.
I also have 2 hermit crabs.
Please advice.


Active Member
This is a very common topic and if you do a search on this sight you will get good answers to your question.


get frozen seafood combo from grocery store (those containing squids, octupus, shrimps, mussels, and so on)-get the kind that is not precooked or seasoned. when ready to feed grate a combination of frozen pieces finely with cheese grater-do it while its frozen...makes it easier. enrich with vitamin and feed. damsels and clowns love meaty foods. other meaty foods includes your frozen spirulina enriched brine and mysis, which can be enriched with vitamins also. every now and then tie a piece of leafy greens or seaweed (such as dried nori, from asians stores) to a rock and the tang (and maybe the other fish too) will happily

on that. i think frozen formula 2 is also good for the tang too... i don't have a tang so do your own search. just don't overfeed at one time. give small amounts several times a day when you can.