food for the fish


Does anyone know of a good web site dealing with different foods various fish need or will eat for a good balenced diet? I currently have a 6 line wrass and 1 percula and only feed them frozen brine but want to give them a varied heathly diet.Thanks.


Active Member
Brine shrimp have very low nutritional value for your fish. My suggestio is a varied diet including brine, krill, algea and other stuff..
Also Zoe and Zoe Con is a vitamin addative that helps your fishes diet..
Brine shrimp have a low nutritional value? I always thought brine was an excellent source of proteins??? I feed all my guys flake and brine only with no problems so far that I can tell.


i add vitachem vitamens to the brine also every 2 weeks i give a dose of garlic.
po40cal here is a site u might be interested in
<a href="" target="_blank">web page</a>


Active Member
Variety is the spice of live, offer your fish a variety of quality algae and seafood based frozen foods, nori is also good for hebivourous fish and a little quality flake every now and them cant hurt. Sanjay has a pretty good recipe for fish food, <a href="" target="_blank"></a>


Thanks for the info. Very informative.
Adrian, I live in Monroe and was wondering if you know of any good LFS, say within 100 miles or so of me.


Active Member
Have you tried coral connection and aquatic speacialties in Kenner, about the best two LFS In our area, although Houston isnt that far ;)


adrian you come all the way over to H town for a good LFS??? which 2 do you consider to be so worthy of such a commute? or at least what part of town?


Hey Kenner is not that far either. How do the stores mentioned there compare to the stores here in Houston? Would it be worth the trip to check them out?
Also, if you are going to be in the area, I would love to have you critique my setup and offer advice.


Active Member
Well I actually havent made it to Houston yet, there are some people with some really nice tank out there I would like to drop in on, and I have heard there are a couple of nice shops, eventually I'll make the trip, have I been mislead, there have to be a couple of nice shops in H-town <img src="graemlins//confused.gif" border="0" alt="[confused]" /> Both of the shops in Kenner are pretty nice, one is an all around fish store, and the other is only salt and they have a huge selection of frags, and the 800 gallon display is pretty nice as well ;)


No, I do not think you have been mislead. I just think we are all looking for the saltwater utopia store!! I have posted my favorite before, but other stores are supposed to be as good or better. I know that for eye appeal, Aquarium world is the place to go look. They are the ones with the huge tank and salt water pond.